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The BeiDou global navigation satellite system (BDS-3) has established the Ka-band inter-satellite link (ISL) to realize a two-way ranging function between satellites, which provides a new observation technology for the orbit determination of BDS-3 satellites. Therefore, this study presents a BDS satellite orbit determination model based on ground tracking station (GTS) observations and ISL ranging observations firstly to analyze the impact of the ISL ranging observations on the orbit determination of BDS-3 satellites. Subsequently, considering the data fusion processing, the variance component estimation (VCE) algorithm is applied to the parameter estimation process of the satellite orbit determination. Finally, using the measured data from China’s regional GTS observations and BDS-3 ISL ranging observations, the effects of ISL ranging observations on the orbit determination accuracy of BDS-3 satellites are analyzed. Moreover, the impact of the VCE algorithm on the fusion data processing is evaluated from the aspects of orbit determination accuracy, Ka-band hardware delay parameter stability, and ISL ranging observation residuals. The results show that for China’s regional GTSs, the addition of BDS-3 ISL ranging observations can significantly improve the orbit determination accuracy of BDS-3 satellites. The observed orbit determination accuracy of satellite radial component is improved from 48 cm to 4.1 cm. In addition, when the initial weight ratio between GTS observations and ISL ranging observations is not appropriate, the various indicators which include orbit determination accuracy, ISL hardware delay, and ISL observation residuals were observed to have improved after the adjustment of the VCE algorithm. These results validate the effectiveness of the VCE algorithm for the fusion data processing of the GTS observations and ISL ranging observations.  相似文献   
针对风云四号同步卫星的精密定轨和精度评估需求,首先利用地面光学测角数据对FY-4A卫星进行精密定轨,定轨后方位角和高度角的残差rms分别为0.25"和0.45"。与基于测距数据的轨道相比,位置精度在有测角数据的弧段内小于50m。进一步联合测角数据和测距数据对FY-4A卫星进行联合定轨,定轨后轨道重叠精度优于15m。利用联合定轨结果评估了基于测距数据的实时轨道产品精度,可以明显发现轨道精度随着测距数据的积累而逐步提高。  相似文献   
分体式石英谐振加速度传感器在性能提升上受到装配误差等因素的影响较大,故提出一种全石英谐振加速度计芯片结构,包括下层的硅结构和上层的石英结构。下层的硅基底仅作为支撑结构进行加工制作,敏感单元为全石英材料,硅结构与石英结构键合到一起,结构加工完成后去除硅材料,以释放石英敏感单元。整体结构为中心对称,包括质量块、音叉结构、微杠杆结构和应力分配梁,芯片通过微杠杆结构来增大传感器的灵敏度,并通过应力分配梁使石英音叉两根振梁上的内应力均匀一致。通过仿真验证了设计的有效性,仿真的差动灵敏度为35Hz/g。  相似文献   
Pc4 signatures for the year 2013, extracted from geomagnetic north–south and east–west components of induction coil magnetometer (LEMI 30) from low latitude station Desalpar (DSP), operated by Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), India have been investigated vis-à-vis the prevalent interplanetary parameters (IMF) as well as the geomagnetic activity indices. A clear dominance of Pc4-5 (467 events) over Pc3 (17 events) is observed. Local time variation of Pc4 shows a peak in the noon sector in both X and Y components. Our investigations show that the dominant peak frequency is 10 mHz at low latitude region. Correlations with solar wind and IMF parameters illustrate highest occurrence of Pc4 for a solar wind speed of 300–400 km/s and average IMF B field of 3–6 nT. The amplitude of Pc4s at DSP shows an increase with increasing solar wind speed, plasma density, solar wind dynamic pressure and average B field which is also reflected in the trend of frequency variation of these pulsations. We report that IMF clock angle at low latitude does not have influence on Pc4 occurrence. Based on the characteristics of these events, detected in latitudinally distributed stations from low and mid-latitudes from northern and southern hemisphere, we infer that modes were compressional, which could be driven by K-H instability or solar wind dynamic pressure, as compressional modes can propagate to low latitude with little attenuation.  相似文献   
上海市河流水污染监测是当前研究的热点问题。针对上海市河流水质监测的需求,提出了一种基于因子分析的河流综合水质遥感反演的方法。以欧洲航空局发射的哨兵-2A(Sentinel-2A)卫星搭载的多光谱成像仪获取的遥感影像,以及准同步获取的河流断面实测水质参数数据为例,研究对象为上海市青浦区和松江区部分河道。选取高锰酸盐指数、氨氮等5项主要水质参数为监测指标,在因子分析的基础上建立水质遥感反演的模型,得到综合水质指标用于确定水质类别。实验结果表明:综合水质指标值越小,内陆河流水质状况越良好,水体更清洁。该方法能够应用于内陆河流水质遥感监测,为水环境管理部门提供参考信息。  相似文献   
对采用时分多址轮询建链体制的导航星座星间链路网络,为了指导星间链路网络地面前向数据接入的应用,分析了不同地面前向数据接入方式的星-星-地联合数据交互机制及其对网络通信性能的影响,并结合应用代价给出了综合评价和使用建议。以前向数据最快路径接入方式和固定节点接入方式为代表,分析了星间链路网络与地面间星 星 地联合数据交互机制的特点,明确了两种方式下星间链路网络拓扑路由规划策略的制定原则。通过构建Walker 24/3/1导航星座星间链路网络数据处理模型及典型星地运行场景,对两种地面前向数据接入方式仿真分析了星间链路通信容量和传输时延等网络通信性能,比较分析了通信容量及数据拥塞规律,得出前向数据最快路径接入方式相比于固定节点接入方式在通信性能上有较明显优势的结论。最后,综合给出了两种星 星 地联合数据交互机制的应用性评价,同时给出了在通信容量较低且通信时延要求不高、但可靠性要求较高的应用条件下,可适度采用固定节点接入方式的建议。  相似文献   
为对比研究表面处理对17-4PH不锈钢抗固体粒子冲蚀性能的影响,在17-4PH不锈钢表面进行了多弧离子镀陶瓷/金属多层膜制备、激光表面合金化(LSA)处理和超音速火焰喷涂(HVOF)硬质合金层处理,利用划痕仪、自组装的不锈钢抗固体粒子冲蚀(SPE)装置、多冲疲劳试验机对上述三种表面处理试样的小攻角和大攻角SPE失效行为和机理进行了研究。结果表明,微切削是17-4PH不锈钢及其表面改性试样小攻角下固体粒子冲蚀破坏的主要失效机制,多冲型疲劳破坏是17-4PH不锈钢及其表面改性试样大攻角下固体粒子冲蚀的主要失效机制。HVOF WC-17Co涂层可显著提高17-4PH不锈钢30°小攻角和90°大攻角下SPE抗力。激光表面合金化层能够改善17-4PH不锈钢抗30°小攻角和90°大攻角下SPE性能,但SPE性能改善效果弱于HVOF喷涂涂层。TiAl N/Ti多层膜不能显著提高17-4PH不锈钢抗30°小攻角和90°大攻角的SPE性能。  相似文献   
针对全球卫星导航星座网络建设初期或论证阶段所涉及的网络体系结构、协议体系及相关组网等技术问题,开展了基于导航星座星间链路构建空间信息网络的技术研究,分别提出了由子网、接入网、骨干网等节点及其相互之间星间、星地无线链路构成的分层网络系统结构,设计了兼容遥控、遥测、测量与网络交互支持等业务的基于IP over CCSDS(基于空间数据系统咨询委员会标准的空间链路承载互联网协议业务)的协议体系,给出了全系统基本通信业务运行模式等。与传统高轨卫星通信系统相比,该星座网络具有高覆盖、低时延、随遇接入等优点,可实现星座导航性能与中低轨及地面用户通信性能的全方位提升,相关结果对我国全球卫星导航星座网络技术研究具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
作为飞机全寿命周期管理的重要组成部分,附件全寿命监控系统主要由附件信息查询、附件不正常事件查询以及附件全寿命链路图模块组成,采集、管理、处理飞机附件的使用过程参数,可为量化飞机附件性能和制定附件维修方案提供支持。其中,提出了使用附件链路图法快速分辨附件性能的方法,并在厦航飞机全寿命管理中已获得广泛使用。  相似文献   
Avionics full duplex switched ethernet(AFDX) is a switched interconnection technology developed to provide reliable data exchange with strong data transmission time guarantees in internal communication of the spacecraft or aircraft.Virtual link(VL) is an important concept of AFDX to meet quality of service(QoS) requirements in terms of end-to-end message deadlines.A VL admission control algorithm in AFDX network under hard real-time(HRT) constraints is studied.Based on the scheduling prin-ciple of AFDX prot...  相似文献   
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